The Consumers´ Association of Iceland

The Consumers´ Association of Iceland (NS) is a membership based association with the main objective of safeguarding the rights of consumers in Iceland. NS was established in the year 1953 and is one of the oldest consumer association in the world.

NS is mainly funded by membership fees from our members based in Iceland. We offer our members free legal guidance and assistance if needed regarding disputes with traders based in Iceland.

On Thursdays we offer all consumers to call us during opening hours and we provide general legal guidance and information free of charge. We however only look at documents, offer mediation or take a closer look at cases if the consumer is a member with NS.

Consumers can also send us an email that we try to answer at the earliest opportunity (ns[at]

Contact information:
The Consumers´ Association of Iceland
Guðrúnartún 1
105 Reykjavík

TEL: +354-545-1200
Email: ns[at]

Opening hours:

Members of NS:
Mon-Thu: 10-12 & 12:30-15
Fri: 10-12

Thu: 10-12 & 12:30-15

Tenant assistance:
Tue & Thu: 10-12 & 12:30-15